pictures from project furniture on the watershed


The watershed line unfolds a kind of narrative, a story: imagining the path of water, from just under his feet to the sea or to the ocean, the visitor visualizes his location on the map, ... in the world, in a living movement. It is a good way to discover the living and intangible heritage of the soil of the Ardèche.
The line was drawn by geologists, and runs throughout the park. The water falling to the East of this line flows to the Mediterranean Sea, the water falling to the West flows to the Atlantic Ocean.
A perennial artistic path stems directly from its route, initiated on the territory by the Parc Naturel Régional des Monts d'Ardèche.
The design of the furniture is very strongly structured by the flow of the water: they are entirely porous. No element is horizontal, never to hold back or hinder the path of the water, which crosses them all and runs everywhere freely ... The furniture is so crossed by air and light, by the vegetation, by the visitors' eyes.
These furniture are made for all inhabitants of the Park: animals as well as plants, permanent inhabitants or visitors... their implantation is soft, seeking to disturb as little as possible the ongoing natural dynamics of the places.
One can choose how to settle in the landscape. With different framing dispositives, the design of the furniture offers different situations which allow different perceptions of the sites.
All the furniture is built from the same element: a one meter long chestnut batten. It responds to maintenance constraints in hard-to-access sites, and to the specificities of the local ressource.
Connections pieces are made with specific steel elements.
The wood was raised and shaped in Ardèche.
The furniture range consists of a bench, a platform and a shelter.
furniture on the watershed
• Commissioned by
Parc Naturel Régional des Monts d'Ardèche
• Completion
• Location
Parc Naturel Régional des Monts d'Ardèche